Tick tick tick…..BOOM!

I just realized that I have a ton of pet peeves. Some of them are gonna make you think I’m insane for even noticing them.

  • Bringing your two month old child to taraweeh and expecting him/her not to cry.  And when he/she does, you continue your salah and decide to pray all twenty. -___-  I mean come on!
  • Wet socks. Yes, if my socks get wet by rain or making wudu it ruins my entire day. Once, it was pouring outside and of course I was wearing flats. My socks became drenched so instead of using my lunch money to buy food, I bought a pair of socks for $8.00 from the bookstore. It was a total rip off!
  • Making chai: I’m so happy my generation doesn’t have the same love for chai as my parents’ generation. Its one thing I really can’t stand. Even though it’s not difficult, I just hate it.
  • People who act “holier than thou.” The only reason you should be boasting is because Allah (swt) gave you the ability to hide your sins very well. Most of us did not have the same level of Iman sometime ago and I think its important to remember where we used to be before looking down upon others.  
  • Talking just to hear yourself: You know, the people in the front of the class that are complete kiss-ups and have to comment on everything the professor says. Do us all a favor and shut up.
  • People who literally update their status every minute on FB: We get it, “you’re about to go shower so text the cellie.” —–>No one cares. I actually delete these people fairly quickly.
  •  Only talking about yourself: We all have problems. A seven hour vent session isn’t needed. -_- (this doesn’t apply to my best friends, sister, or cousin 🙂 )
  • Quoting and misquoting hadith or parts of the Qur’an: Wallahi, this infuriates me. No one asked for you to prove yourself or show how much you know.
  • Being a Mr./Ms. Know-it-All. It’s alright if you’ve already watched that video, heard that hadith, listened to that lecture, bought that CD, memorized that Surah, attended that class etc., it doesn’t hurt to be reminded. Also, if someone comes to you with excitement and enthusiasm, don’t shoot them down! Before you say “oh yea, I heard that like last year…aren’t you late” ask yourself if you’ve implemented it.    
  • People who open a water bottle, take a sip, and forget about it. I just added this one after the MSA picnic. I don’t understand why people think its ok to waste water like that.
  • Uneven ratio of peanut butter or jelly in a PB & J: Its 50/50, not 80/20. Gosh.
  • The “Sr.” thing. Look guys, most likely I’m younger than you. I hate when brothers call me “Sr._____.”
  • Too much sour cream in my Chipotle: yea.
  • Unnecessary salaams from brothers: I said salaam once. I’m probably gonna see you five more times today. Don’t say salaam each time.
  • Not using the squeegee to wipe off the excess water on the sink after making wudu. It stays wet all day.
  • when people say something and do another. Everyone’s guilty of it.
  • Too much red pepper in food. I can’t stand spicy food!
  • Trying to include yourself in every conversation.
  • Clutter!!
  • Sisters who want to know everything about you upon first meeting. Its weird and makes me think you have an older brother who wants to get married…desperately. (Sorry, I just had to =P)
  • Starting a question with “you said….”: After taking my first Al-Maghrib class, one of the most important things I learned from the Shaykh was the etiquette of asking a question. I find it disrespectful to 1) address someone of knowledge with “you” and 2) misquote them or say something they never did when you ask a question. We learned that it is better to say “It was mentioned that…” ect.
  • When a cupcake or cake isn’t iced properly. It’s proven that people eat with their eyes first so make it look a little nice.
  • People who ONLY talk about superficial things. I do it too, (mostly to bother my sister) and once in a while its O.K but when the only conversation you can have with someone is when the sale at Forever 21 will end or where they got their Coach bag or who the hottest character on Vampire Diaries is (just an example), you can only say so much.
  • When people pronounce my name wrong. Bad adab.
  • Correcting someone in front of other people. Bad adab.
  • Sitting among a group of friends who are talking about someone I don’t know in a not-so-positive manner. It’s different when you know the person (still wrong) but if I haven’t met them before and eventually do, what was said about he/she would be my first impression of them. Super bad adab. Gossiping in general is a huge pet peeve.
  • Saying something you know will piss someone off. I have to admit, I do this to my sister ALL the time but its only because I love her and we are at home so if she wanted to kill me, it wouldn’t be in public lol.
  • White lies. They really bother me.
  • People who spend ten hours getting ready.
  • Not recycling!!!!! It takes the same amount of effort to put the bottle in the recycle bin, people!!
  • Liking every comment on FB: Only Z.M is allowed to do this because she’s a G.
  • Cursing like a truck driver or sailor!! It looks so bad when a Muslim curses. There are a plethora of other words in the dictionary that would be a superb substitute for the f-bomb.
  • Asking stupid questions to get noticed.
  • Going to the grocery store with everything in mind only to realize right when you step out that you forgot the most important thing you needed!
  • Reciting with the Imam when you know a surah. Surah Ya Sin is a popular one lol. No but seriously, thats really annoying. Please be considerate of other people’s salah as well. If I wanted you to lead us in prayer, I’d let you know beforehand rather than in the middle of a rak’ah.
  • Women who bring toys to distract their children while they pray taraweeh. Sorry but your child’s fire truck with an actual siren or talking parrot will cause more harm than good. 
  • Constantly moving during salah. It not  that hard people.
  •  When people quote lines from songs. No, it’s not profound. 
  • Children who look up to today’s [insert word] celebrities…AND THE PARENTS WHO LET THEM!! Your child is being corrupted in front of your very eyes and just because you want them to “have a childhood” you let them watch whatever the hell they want on T.V. Parents, there is no manual when it comes to children. Neither is there a “trial and error” Raise them right mannn! 
Thats it for now. I bet you think I’m such a rude person but I’m really not! 🙂

THE Dyson DC25


This has nothing to do with cupcakes at all. I just haven’t wrote anything for the longest time so I figured I’d take a break from cleaning the house. So I’d like to start off by saying that I am NOT a materialistic person. I have a few nice things and that’s about it. I follow my dads philosophy of  “….beta, cheez aik dafa lo aur achi lo takay zindagee bhar chalee” meaning “buy it once and it’ll last a lifetime.”

As I was vacuuming and slaving away yesterday, trying to get the dust out of the filter, I remembered his saying and immediately thought of a Dyson! If you know me, you know how obsessed I am with that vacuum. It’s like the Mac of all computers (not saying that I like Mac’s at all. They’re stupid), the Audi of all cars, the Electrolux of all ovens…..possibly the legit-est household cleaning appliance of all times. I know this is really sad but I do du’a that inshaAllah one day, I will have my very own Dyson DC25. Its like $500 dollars but I’m going to put a down payment on it soon ;). It comes with lifetime warranty!!  Sir James Dyson is also one of the people I always keep in my prayers, along with Eminem. I always thought he would make an awesome Muslim lol. Anyways, some of the other things I really really want are:

  • Electrolux oven
  • Samsung dual washer and dryer. It can wash 27 pairs of jeans in one wash and is the most energy efficient washer on the market. Now that’s, awesome.
  • MINI COOPER! A lime green or red one. I know its not the optimum car for a 6 foot tall person but I can’t get over how cute it is.
  • Krups coffee maker- I hate coffee but I like how sleek it is.

That’s really about it. I’d like to think I’m a minimalist. I like nice things but I don’t want too much stuff. I hate it when the house is cluttered and we buy things we don’t need. One of my biggest pet peeves is over spending and being superfluous spenders.

I’m more than just cupcakes

Sometimes I feel like all people know me by is my cupcakes or better yet, they think its the only thing I do in life. Maybe I set myself up for it though, I mean that is all I talk about! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love cupcakes and cooking in general but when your walking around campus and people greet you with “Salaam, did you bake anything today?” or “Heyy, omg I just saw your business page and mA…..” its like I’m a walking, 6 foot cupcake! Cupcakes are just a side thing for now. I do want to start a real business with an actual bakery inshaAllah but I have other aspirations too. What really makes people laugh is that I want to be a dental hygienist and have a cupcake business-what a juxtaposition =P! Anyways, for now my cupcakes are just something to keep me busy and get more people to come to the MSA Kiosks every week. But I actually have other hobbies/interests too:

  • Taking Al-Maghrib classes/learning about Islam 🙂
  • Biking, hiking, running after Fajr (Don’t remember the last time I actually did that)
  • Teeth
  • Painting with my little sister
  • Hanging out with my mom ❤
  • Learning how to cook desi food from my dad, yes, my dad.
  • Gardening
  • Going to the gym when its empty
  • Reorganize my closet
  • Cleaning! I don’t get to do it much during school but I love it.
  • Going to the mall at 9am when no one else is there.
  • Vacuuming- my post on the Dyson D25 will be up soon 🙂

Yea that’s all I can think of right now 🙂